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6pm,19th November, The University of Law

 Nazi Medicine on Trial at Nuremberg: from Victims to Witnesses to the Nuremberg Code

Talk from Prof. Paul Weindling (Oxford Brookes University)

And Dr, Aleksandra Loewenau (Oxford Brookes University)

This event has now passed, but you can access a recording of the event HERE

Access Passcode: J.g5hC0y



The Nuremberg Trials dealt in depth with Nazi research atrocities. One notable feature was the presentation of victims as witnesses. Another unique feature was that guidelines on permissible clinical experiments were pronounced by the judges on 19 August 1947 at the close of the Nuremberg Medical Trial. From 1963 these guidelines were called the “Nuremberg Code”, thereby investing them with status as a fundamental legal document on research procedure. A misconception is that the Code arose solely from courtroom proceedings. This overlooks a prior agenda since the liberation of concentration camps to secure a set of regulations to protect research subjects. Victims of research and liberated prisoner doctors made a profound impression on Allied scientific intelligence officers. Secondly, although the judges stressed the autonomy of the research subject and the obligation to inform subjects about potential risks, the term “informed consent” did not appear in the guidelines of 1947. Thirdly, the principles promulgated by the judges received extensive publicity. However, the term “Nuremberg Code” was not used until 1963.


Recorded Link to this event can be found here

Passcode: J.g5hC0y


Benedict Ipgrave (Programme Director)


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