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The Legacies of Eugenics in Scandinavia : The impact of Swedish Race Biology on the Sami and Tornedalians
27th May
University College London

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Eugenics in California and the World: Race, Class, Gender/Sexuality and Disability
Day 1 and Day 2 - June 4th-5th
University of California


Legacies of Eugenics in Canada

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Historical and Modern Perspectives on the Problem of Eugenics in the American South - Webinar 1

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Historical and Modern Perspectives on the Problem of Eugenics in the American South - Webinar 2

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Indian reflection: Eugenic Pasts and Futures
Panel 1 - Eugenic Pasts

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Indian reflection: Eugenic Pasts and Futures
Panel 2 - Eugenic Futures

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Historical and Modern Perspectives on the Problem of Eugenics in the US South - Webinar 3


Eugenic Legacies in Mexico and the Americas


Regional Reflections on Eugenics: Mid-West Convening


New England Legacies of Eugenics reflection

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French Eugenics in the Age of Empire


Anti-Eugenics Congress' Conference
including Bloomsbury Addressing Eugenics Citizen's Assembly


We Are Not Alone
1921-2021, A Century of Eugenics exhibition


Battling Eugenics: 
Debates and The Rise of Opposition in Science and Culture


Eugenic Legacies in Japan:
Revelations, Reparations and Representation

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