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From Small Beginnings... This international programme brings together a global group of scholars, educators, artists, activists and community representatives to focus on how eugenics has been used and misused over the past century but still more importantly to critically assess how the intellectual inertia of eugenic habits of mind continue to globally influence political, social and medical ideas, in addition to practices and policies. At it's heart is the promotion of shared meaning making, in the hopes of addressing eugenic legacies of the past and interrupting the future promulgation of this malignant ideology.

           - Previous From Small Beginnings... reflections -           
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The Legacy of Eugenics in Scandinavia: The impact of Swedish Race Biology on the Sami and Tornedalia
Eugenics in California and the World: Race, Class, Gender/Sexuality and Disability
Dismantling Eugenics
Historical and Modern Perspectives on Eugenics in the U.S. South
Eugenic Thinking in Australia
Eugenic Legacies across Latin America
Eugenics in South Korean Biomedicine
Eugenic Legacies in Japan
We Are Not Alone
India's Eugenic Pasts, Presents and Futures
Race, Science and Eugenics in East Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Battling Eugenics: Debates and The Rise of Opposition in Science and Culture
Legacies of Eugenics in Canada
Eugenic Legacies in Mexico and the Americas
Eugenic Legacies Across the MENA
Legacies of Eugenics in New England
Eugenic Legacies Across the Pacific Islands
A Century of Eugenics on our Borders_Centennial of the Johnson-Reed Act and US Border Patr

                 - Building a Global Anti-Eugenics Future -                

"Like a Tree, Anti-Eugenics draws from many sources and transforms them into a one mind and one heart way of being"

Judy Dow (Educator, artist and basket-maker of Abenaki and French-Canadian descent)

Eugenics specifically targeted and aimed to eradicate the future of certain communities. As such eugenics targeted the hopes of so many. Today we live in worrying times, where a resurgence of eugenics or the threat of it is prevalent everywhere. It is very easy in this moment to lose hope.

But in this moment in confronting eugenics there is hope to be found everywhere - people in motion, united, providing hope of a better future...

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In 2025 a new Global Anti-Eugenics Forum will be established, for building and reinforcing a global anti-eugenic community, for transnationally addressing the continuing and resurging shadows of eugenics today, for imagining what a global anti-eugenics justice looks like, and for working towards an anti-eugenics future for tomorrow. We would like to invite you to take part in this moment.

Click on the following link to find out more about this moment in the following article.

If you would like to get involved please contact the Programme Director Benedict Ipgrave at or to stay informed of the latest events and activities, sign up to our mailing list below. We look forward to hearing from you.

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