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Programme for From Small Beginnings...

Upcoming Programme...

(Click here for From Small Beginnings' past events...)

A Century of Eugenics on our Borders

May 27th-28th 2024, hosted by CRASH 

To mark the centennial of the passing of Johnson-Reed Immigration Act of 1924, and the subsequent establishing of the US Border Patrol, From Small Beginnings in collaboration with CRASH and ELEP will be hosting a 2 day online symposium looking at the legacies of eugenics in immigration policy and attitudes historically and today.

(More information shortly)

Anti-Eugenics in Canada Symposium

May 27th-31st 2024, hosted by Saint Mary's University and CRASH 

During May the 27th-31st 2024, beginning with the Eugenics and Immigration Online Symposium, will the first Anti-Eugenics Forum regional gathering, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Anti-eugenics in Canada Region Anti-Eugenics Scholarship Hub (CRASH), will host a series of online and in person events at Saint Mary’s University and across Halifax, Nova Scotia, engaging with the history and legacies of eugenics in Canada and beyond. The first in biennial gatherings across North America, will launch the North American Community of (Anti-Eugenics) Communities.

(More information shortly)

Anti-Eugenics in Africa Conference

16th - 20th September 2024, hosted by Wits University and Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre

In September 2024, Wits and Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre, will host a week conference exploring eugenics and anti-eugenics in South Africa and across Africa. The first in biennial gatherings across Africa, will launch the African Community of (Anti-Eugenics) Communities.

(More information shortly)

Eugenic Legacies in East Asia Symposium

February 2025, hosted by Ritsumeikan University

In February 2025, Ritsumeikan University, will invite scholars and activists across East Asia for a 3 day symposium, focusing on the surfacing eugenic histories (and presents) in East Asia, tools to surface such eugenics with an emphasis on language justice, archiving and collecting oral histories, and the work being done across the region to confront such legacies in East Asia today.

(More information shortly)

Mexican Anti-Eugenics Week

May 2024, hosted by '17 Instituto de estudios críticos

A hybrid gathering that will bring together researchers and activists to debate, formulate and reflect on the legacies of eugenics in Mexico and the Latin America region. The conference that is the first in biennial conferences across Latin America, will launch the Latin American Community of (Anti-Eugenics) Communities.

(More information shortly)


Anti-Eugenics Week

Summer 2025, hosted in London

These discussions and a Global Community of (Anti-Eugenics) Communities, will come together to London in the summer of 2025, for the first Anti-Eugenics Week, to be hosted biennial over the next decade in different settings across the world, leading up to the anti-centennial of the 3rd International Eugenics Congress in August 2032.

(More information shortly)

Ongoing activities...

Discussions around Reckoning with Legacies of Eugenics in Higher Education

2023-2025, hosted in partnership with Eugenic Legacies Education Project

A connective space hosted by the UCL’s Eugenics Legacy Education Project (ELEP) and From Small Beginnings…, and spearheaded by Benedict Ipgrave and Helen Knowler (UCL), designed for helping facilitate deliberation around thinking about higher education's leading role in the generation, justification and dissemination of eugenics, and the work needed collectively in confronting such dark legacies. We aim to build a space where we can share and learn from the inspiring efforts and initiatives already taking place in different higher education institutions across the world around reckoning with institutional complicity in eugenics and the contemporary implications for education practices in higher education institutions. Ultimately we aim to collectively imagine together how we might work together to generate a broader sector wide transitional justice around its role in eugenics.

(More information shortly)

Discussions around Eugenics, Truth-telling and Transitional Justice


A series of discussions spearheaded by Benedict Ipgrave and Linda Steele (UTS), looking to elevate and learn from the experiences of eugenic-related or overlapping truth commissions around the world. These discussions will provide us and others the opportunity to share with a broader transnational public and sharing the lessons and models that have been learnt from these experiences, as well as importantly what other communities around the world can learn for their own campaigns for justice, ultimately looking at generating some sort of model, set of principles or best/good practices that can be used and utilised by others seeking their own form of anti-eugenics justice.

(More information shortly)

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Benedict Ipgrave (Programme Director)


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